Dome / FAQs



Q. Why work with Dome?

We pride ourselves on the quality of our delivery, our teams and our platforms. Our reputation is built upon a consistent commitment to each and every job we undertake, and over 25 years later we are proud of our track record.


Q. What sectors do you work in?

Q. Why do we need Commissioning Management?

Q. Why do we need Commissioning Validation?

Q. How does your O&M delivery differ to others?

Q. What is Technical Authoring?

Q. Why do I need Technical Authoring?

Our Software

Q. What does your O&M Platform provide for Asset owners or FM Teams?

Q. How is your O&M Platform utilised in construction?

Q. How do you maintain the 'Golden Thread' of information?

Q. What does your iFireAudit Platform provide?

How We Work